Please read the instructions on the Ballet Paper throughly before you vote The election is conducted for the following positions only
Executive Vice President
Vice President
General Secretary
Associate General Secretary
Additional Associate Secretary
Associate Treasurer
Additional Associate treasurer
Women’s Forum Chairperson
Board of Trustee for youth
Board of Trustees
Regional Vice President———-Region 3
Regional Vice President ———-Region 5
Please cast your vote by placing X inside the box next to the candidate you choose Check mark is also accepted Crossing more than one box will render your vote for that position NULL and VOID If both boxes are blank your vote for that position will be Null and Void FOR BOARD OF TRUSTEES Position ONLY 2 positions for 4 yrs and 1 position for 2 yrs.If you cast your vote for more than THREE(3) candidates your vote for this position will be Null and Void Out of the FIVE candidates the first two who receives the highest number of votes will be elected for 4 year term and the third highest candidate will be elected for 2 year term For RVP elections. Only the delegates from the associations of the respective regions are eligible to vote . Members of the national committee , Trustee board and past FOKANA presidents are not eligible to vote for RVP elections. Law enforcement will be used to comply Law and order Only one set of Ballot paper will be given to each voter . There are 4 pages in the set Region 3 and 5 delegates will get one more additional ballot paper. New ballot paper will not be issued under any circumstances even if you make a mistake so be careful in your markings on the ballot paper Please turn off your cell phones completely Anybody using the cell phone will be escorted outside Taking photographs is strictly prohibited While counting votes if you have assigned a representative he or she must be a delegate If the votes for the candidates are the same ,Coin tossing will be done to determine a winner Besides the 3 member election committee we have requested Mr Taranson Thomas Former Election committee member and present trustee board Secretary Mr Manmadan Nair former FOKANA President and former Election committee Chairman and Mr Jacob (Rajan) Padavathil Former election committee chairman and former Foundation chairman to help out with the entire election process The election will start approximately 10:30 am thru 0230 pm Friday 6th July 2018 But the election committee can extend time if deemed necessary .Any body waiting on line at closing time will be allowed to vote. Election committee will declare results only after counting votes for all positions The goal of the election committee is accuracy and justice to all candidates Any further instructions will be given at the site Election committee’s DECISIONS are FINAL
As always thank you for your cooperation and understandingThank you
Comdr George Korath
Georgy Varughese
John P John
Election committee